Yaskawa VFD
Dreisilker Electric Motors is an authorized Yaskawa VFD distributor and service provider. Yaskawa is the world’s largest manufacturer of quality AC Inverter Drives, Servo and Motion Control, and Robotics Automation Systems. Our service technicians are trained through Yaskawa to find the best solutions for your Variable Frequency Drive needs.
Check out a testimonial from a happy VFD service customer:
“Wanted to tell you how fabulous Dan was for us last week. The VFDs at Winston Campus were all whip-jacked in the program and we could not even put in Hand mode. They were causing the chiller to trip off and shutdown.
I called Dreisilker and talked to Dan about the issues we were having. He sensed a problem and immediately headed out the door to Winston Campus. He figured out the problem ,reprogrammed the drives and stayed with us to verify the automation system was totally controlling the VFDs. He saved us!!
I was very impressed with his knowledge of the drives and his willingness to assure we were operational and everything was working as designed. He even left a cable on Mark’s truck so we could remove the VFD display board and operate as a held held device. A nice surprise! Dreisilker is very fortunate to have such a skilled and service minded technician on staff.”